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Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm sorry guys, for not updating my blog for like quite a few days.
Things changing and ofcause I'm looking forward for any happiness infront of me.. Everyone should be happy right ? :>
Went for wavehouse yesterday again, and it's totally worth of a thumbs down. As it's like a last min calls from Star and boyster. Hah The music sucks there too. Without any Bass. But it's really worth for my body aching so that I can lost weight heh. After wave went to look for Sweets and girlgirl at resot. Gave them a surprise while their sleeping. Heh. Happy ? ^^ Ok, I won't talk much. Pix?

They forced me to be their one day photographer hah.

Others pix .
Lolli Lolli Lolli Lolli ,
I show Francis Fly this. And I get a smile from him back ^^ ,

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