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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hihihihihihihiiiiiii.. Finally I've got the time to update this space!! 

Firstly, Happy 3 months to my dearest Qiqi <3 

* Drinking 150ml *5oz of Friso milk, every 3-4 hourly
*Able to sleep thru out the night most of the times
*Had her 3rd months Jab on 1st April 
*Whenever people talk to her she will smile with her mouth open biggggggg & damn talkactive!
*Don't like us to carry her in sleeping position
*Love to sit on my pong pong cia (my lap shaking) lol!!
*Still in love with her swimming session like the past & love to sleep in the water while she's tired -.-"
*Head still not that stable yet.
*About to flip but not yet.
*Don't like to sleep outside/others house & whine whenever she's tired and can't get her bed!!
*Can't leave without her chouchou & tutu (Bad thing =.=")
"Whenever her ahma bit her tights (Play play) and she will stare for about a few seconds and smile :)

Last weighed, 6305Grams (6.3kg) on 1st April <3 

Secondly, Happiee Birthday to my dearest 
Keting bb!! <3

Took damn lots of photos @ her chalet as hubby keep snapping non-stop -.- "
He said: "Aiya free one ma, also not need money.. snap many then choose lo.  -.- "

 See qiqi keep "teh ke" Jophiel & Raynulph keep teh ke qiqi haha

 Kiao ka.........
Wishes you & jojo healthy forever!~~~ ai ni :)! 

And lastly, I would like to wishes korkor to RIP........
From young till now, you always give me the best. And never fail as a brother to me.....

I'll always remember you, we'll always remember you... Whenever I'm down I hope you'll still be here for me.
And, please come to my dreams... We've a lot to chat, a lot to say.... 
I love you bro, always in my heart ... 04/01/1987 ~ 13/03/2011 

Been a long time since I updated my blog. Everything goes smoothly nowdays.... So lazy to update~~ Shall update bbgirl's photos and others will do....'
All about qiqi ^^

 My sick baby :( Waiting to take medi and she stun

 New anklet!

 Everyone says its her new face. hah!

Neoprints with carrie :)

Aftermath, as usual plaza...

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