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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sick baby :'(

I did'nt update my blog for 2 days, due to Qi's fever :(
Yes, she's having fever.. 

We went to do a cake for my bro @ Icing room :) Love their cake~

We went to have dinner with; Pekyee, Derrick, Angela, Leite, Mark, Alex & Lyn for Pekyee's birthday first.. Didn't manage to take any pictures as we're in a rush.. (Icing room closing @ 915 last order)

Alot of pattern -_-

Darling girl fell asleep~ 

So we mange to rush in time~

Had a hard time thinking of what to draw. Lol

So he drew 3 ballons~~ (I'm sucks at it) lol

Look nicer with colour liao hor?? haha

Tadah~~ Done with it!

Then I told hubby I reliased it looked more like kids cake -.-""

Then we went home straight, as we're toooooo tired ><
Missed the cake cutting session w em' 

On, 29th December Thursday.
We went to pray my Bro in the morning, with my family. It's his chinese birthday.. The last one..
I sang a birthday song to him, Blew the candle for him, and wish him a happy birthday right infront of him... I love you, and I'll always do Kor 

After that, we found out that Qiqi's having fever.. And we cancelled our plan to Bugis.. Then we headed to Sk poly clinic.. Waited for a few hours & then Doctor says she's having high fever 39.2 ..

While waiting for the doctor~~ We brought her outside for this ^^

Still as cheerful ~ :)

Then she vomitted.. And she became moodless :(((((

Took medi & went to CP for dinner & brought a Ear Thermometer..
Then we headed home~

Been monitoring her till today and her fever still did not go down.. So if later in the afternoon the fever still down go down we're bringing her to the hospital~ Hope she GWS please :'(

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